Saturday, March 17, 2012


As promised!  This is the vision statement I wrote for The Leadership Challenge workshop that I took on February 28th and 29th.  We were instructed to write as if it were 3-4 years from today, and as if everything had already been accomplished.

"I am working in a school library.  I have established a positive culture among my staff, and strong ties with classroom teachers.  My library is a source of continuing education for them, as well as a resource for their daily work.

My library provides kids with materials and space to enable their curiosity to flourish, leading to discovery. My library takes a progressive view on literacy, seeking opportunities to support not only traditional reading skills, but media literacy and information fluency.  I create opportunities to grow the ability of my students to communicate and learn in a variety of formats.  I have orchestrated a significant resistance to the negative effects of overtesting and have enabled teachers and students to meet requirements without sacrificing the inquiry process.  I remain active in the professional community.

I am fit; I have completed at least one race per year, including triathlons and an extreme bike race.  I am training for certification as either a personal trainer, yoga instructor, or wildlife rehabilitator.  I have turtles, frogs, lizards and cats.  I camp and kayak regularly.  I take pride in my work but accept that I've done my best, and enjoy my personal life."

It was interesting to re-read that after a few weeks.  What stands out to me is how much I want to be great at my career and content with my life.  I don't know if I'll ever reach contentment, since striving seems to be a component of my happiness.  I also laughed when I hit the part about training for an additional of three very different paths.  I think no matter how busy I make my life, there will always be more that I want to learn.

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